The Unholy Alliance of Western Leftists and Iraqi Fascists
An Iraqi is stunned at the virulent anti-Americanism he encounters.
European and American leftists continue their incredible shift to the outright support of people who are, essentially, intolerant, brutal fascists. It’s ironic in the extreme.
Iraqis are on the cusp of attempting something that has not yet legitimately occurred in an Arab nation – a free, fair, and open election. And who does the virulent anti-American left support? Why, it's those elements currently doing everything they can to prevent the conduct of free, fair, and open elections. That is, the remnants of Saddam’s brutal fascist regime and their allies, the Zarqawi-led terrorists who saw the heads off of live captives. The Western leftists encourage and carry the water for those who kidnap and shoot CARE workers who have dedicated their lives to improving the lives of ordinary Iraqis. They extol the virtues and objectives of those who blow up refineries and oil pipelines that are the conduits to bringing lasting (and unpilfered) wealth to the Iraqi nation, and brutally murder volunteer election workers in broad daylight in front of conveniently positioned AP photographers. Meanwhile, they denigrate and deride the people doing their utmost to prevent these atrocities from happening – the interim Allawi government, its fledgling police and security forces, and the American forces that back them up and support them. No wonder the rhetoric of Western leftists, and the rhetoric of bin Laden, Zarqawi, and the "insurgents", have converged to the point that they are virtually indistinguishable from each other.
Western leftists have allowed their pathological hatred of the US in general, and the American President in particular, to insidiously convert them into de facto cheerleaders for outright thuggery, brutality, and murder. And make no mistake about it – the Ba’athist remnants and Zarqawi terrorists that comprise the “insurgents” are not tolerant, not liberal, and not democratic – they are as perfect a manifestation of brutally repressive and undemocratic fascism as you are likely to find in the world today.
And our lefties are rooting for them.
They are on the wrong side of history. Yet again.
European and American leftists continue their incredible shift to the outright support of people who are, essentially, intolerant, brutal fascists. It’s ironic in the extreme.
Iraqis are on the cusp of attempting something that has not yet legitimately occurred in an Arab nation – a free, fair, and open election. And who does the virulent anti-American left support? Why, it's those elements currently doing everything they can to prevent the conduct of free, fair, and open elections. That is, the remnants of Saddam’s brutal fascist regime and their allies, the Zarqawi-led terrorists who saw the heads off of live captives. The Western leftists encourage and carry the water for those who kidnap and shoot CARE workers who have dedicated their lives to improving the lives of ordinary Iraqis. They extol the virtues and objectives of those who blow up refineries and oil pipelines that are the conduits to bringing lasting (and unpilfered) wealth to the Iraqi nation, and brutally murder volunteer election workers in broad daylight in front of conveniently positioned AP photographers. Meanwhile, they denigrate and deride the people doing their utmost to prevent these atrocities from happening – the interim Allawi government, its fledgling police and security forces, and the American forces that back them up and support them. No wonder the rhetoric of Western leftists, and the rhetoric of bin Laden, Zarqawi, and the "insurgents", have converged to the point that they are virtually indistinguishable from each other.
Western leftists have allowed their pathological hatred of the US in general, and the American President in particular, to insidiously convert them into de facto cheerleaders for outright thuggery, brutality, and murder. And make no mistake about it – the Ba’athist remnants and Zarqawi terrorists that comprise the “insurgents” are not tolerant, not liberal, and not democratic – they are as perfect a manifestation of brutally repressive and undemocratic fascism as you are likely to find in the world today.
And our lefties are rooting for them.
They are on the wrong side of history. Yet again.
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